Hey! Happy Monday!
Wow sounds like quite the week for all of you! I'm glad
Hailey's recital went well and the rock climbing pictures look way fun!
Things are going well here. Unfortunately, it looks like
we're going to stop visiting almost all of the people we have been teaching
lately...but maybe they just need a break for a while. Its amazing how much you
can start to care for someone in so little time.
We're also thinking a lot about how to work better with the
members. The bishop presented a new ward mission plan at church this week and
the members all seem pretty excited about it. Several of them have already told
about friends that they have and how they are going to try to put us in contact
with them in the next couple of weeks. If everything goes according to plan,
we'll be overwhelmed with teaching appointments. Haha but lets not get ahead of
ourselves...one step at a time.
I got to have a cool experience yesterday at church which
has had me thinking a lot. This past week, some of the older members of the
ward got together to have a bbq. Well, turns out it didn't go well. We got to
church and a member who got baptized about a month or 2 ago, had 2nd degree
burns from the palm of his hand all the
way up to his shoulder. Long story short, they had an accident at the bbq.
After church, he asked my companion and I for a blessing. We ended up giving it
to him, and as soon as we finished, he opened his eyes and started pointing out
several parts of his arm that he said had healed/changed color/changed during
the blessing. Little miracles.
Its amazing what Christ can do.
So, verse of the week is a pretty familiar scripture that I
read the other day. Mosiah 4:27 says that it isn't required that we run faster
than we are able. I started thinking about it and the big difference between
saying that it isn't required that we run faster than we are able and saying
that it isn't required that we run. I think there are times (or at least I do
this), where I try to say that its okay if I don't do everything since I'm not
perfect. We are saved by grace after all that we can do, and Heavenly Father
knows what we are capable of more than we do. If anybody is going to "cut
me slack" because of my weaknesses, I'd rather it be Him that does it, and
not me.
Well I hope you all have a great week! Love you all!
Elder Webster