Haha you guys had a lot of cool stuff this week! Thats way
cool about that youth conference, it sounds like you guys had an amazing
time!!!! There isn't a temple in our mission so I'm excited to go to one again
when I get back. Haha and I like that buggy you guys bought, and the spanish
name is pretty sweet too :) And that Saratov Approach movie sounds interesting,
I'd like to see it someday. And no, I still don't have the packages, but we
have interviews with president this week and we may or not be getting them...no
idea. So I can probably tell you whats up about that next week. Sorry! And Dad,
thats way exciting about your friend! Hopefully all goes well!
This week way pretty good. We've been focusing a lot on the
progressing investigators that we're teaching, and I really want to change how
we're working so that we can start finding more people, because we visit our
investigators so often and they live so far away that we haven't been doing
very much actual finding of new people...which needs to change. But its going
pretty well. And we should have a chapel finished in March, so everyone's
really excited about that. And last saturday ,the daughter of a less active
family we've been teaching got baptized! Her name is Sol. Her uncle got to
baptize her which way cool, especially since he's thinking about going on a
mission. I don't really have a camera so I'll try to steal some photos from my
companion to send to you. There should also be a baptism this upcoming
saturday, the sister of a recent convert. Her name is Mariné (we're not quite
sure how she spells her name). She's way cool. I'm pretty sure her brother is
going to baptize her, which is super exciting!
As a verse of the week, I was thinking of 2 Corinthians7:10. As missionaries, I feel like we almost spend more time listening to
peoples problems than actually teaching people, and its showed me how many
problems and how much sorrow there really is, and how some people use that
sorrow to help them become closer to God, while other people use it as an
excuse to distance themselves from God. It was actually a thing that happened
yesterday that made me think of this. We were walking when this lady kind of
chased us down and started talking to us. She explained how she saw us and decided
she needed to talk to us, and then told us all about her boyfriend (for 40
years...people dont like to get married here) and how he's been beating her and
doing all these bad things. She was way sad and she invited us to come over
this week to teach her. It was interesting seeing how her hard life made her so
open to listen to us. So, yeah.
Anyway, I hope you guys have an awesome week and that your
wildest dreams come true! And that Jordan will hurry up and get his mission
papers in! ;)
Elder Webster
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